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Mental health and screen use in teenagers

On My Mind – Promoting, protecting and caring for children’s mental health

The State of the World’s Children report seeks to deepen knowledge and raise awareness of key issues affecting children and advocates for solutions that improve children’s lives.

Youth Risk Behavior Survey: Data Summary & Trends Report

This report provides the most recent data on health behaviors and experiences among high school students in the U.S. related to adolescent health and well-being.

Smartphones and social media are destroying children’s mental health

Evidence of the catastrophic effects of increased screen time is now overwhelming.

U.S. Teen Girls Experiencing Increased Sadness and Violence

New CDC report raises urgency to invest in schools as a vital lifeline to help struggling youth as teen girls and LGBTQ+ teens are experiencing record-high levels of violence, sadness, and suicide risk.

Are Facebook and other social media platforms bad for our well-being?

Social media platforms like Facebook reach one-in-three people in the world. What does the research tell us about the causal impact of social media use on our well-being?

The Anxious Generation

March, 2024: The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness.

Mental Illness Epidemic in Teen Girls

Social media is a major cause of the epidemic in teen girls. Here’s the evidence. Journalists should stop saying that the evidence is just correlational.

Six propositions for evaluating the evidence

Why Some Researchers Think I’m Wrong About Social Media and Mental Illness.

This is not just “Kids these days”

The Teen Mental Illness Epidemic Began Around 2012.

The Teen Mental Illness Epidemic is International, Part 1: The Anglosphere

Why did mental health fall off a cliff at the same time and in the same way in the USA, The UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand?

The Teen Mental Illness Epidemic is International, Part 2: The Nordic Nations

For Teens, Scandinavia is No Longer The Happiest Place On Earth.

Meta sued by 42 state attorneys general

Allegations include that Facebook, Instagram features are addictive and target kids.

The Facebook Files

FBarchive: A searchable repository of Facebook whistleblower documents.

US Senate Hearings: Testimony from a Facebook Whisteblower

Insightful testimony from a Facebook whistleblower shedding light on measures to safeguard childrens online experiences, prompting crucial discussions on online safety and accountability.

US Senate Hearings: Protecting Kids Online and Instagram Reforms for Young Users

Exploring reforms for young users on Instagram to enhance child protection online, driving discussions on digital safety measures and platform accountability. 

US Senate Hearings: Protecting Kids Online - Snapchat, TikTok, and YouTube

Delving into the online safety protocols of Snapchat, TikTok, and YouTube, facilitating discourse on protecting minors from digital harms and ensuring platform accountability.

US Senate Hearings: Protecting Kids Online - Facebook, Instagram, and Mental Health Harms

Analyzing the impact of Facebook and Instagram on children’s mental health, advocating for strategies to mitigate online risks and promote digital well-being among young users.

US Senate Hearings: Protecting Kids Online - Internet Privacy and Manipulative Marketing

Exploring internet privacy issues and manipulative marketing tactics targeting children, advocating for safeguards to protect young users from exploitation and ensure online safety. 

US Senate Hearings: Commerce Committee Announces Algorithms Hearing

The Commerce Committee convenes to examine the impact of algorithms on digital platforms, addressing concerns over transparency, bias, and accountability in algorithmic decision-making.

Case Study

High-Speed Internet and the Widening Gender Gap in Adolescent Mental Health: Evidence from Hospital Records.

Kids Who Get Smartphones Earlier Become Adults With Worse Mental Health

New global study finds consistent links, stronger for girls.

The Rise and Impact of Digital Amnesia

Why we need to protect what we no longer remember.

TikTok, ByteDance, and Their Ties To The Chinese Communist Party

An investigative report scrutinizing the connections between TikTok, ByteDance, and the Chinese Communist Party, raising questions about data security and potential political influence. 

Peer Pressure

The impact of social media on peer pressure in adolescentes.

Generative AI: Threats and Acheivable Reforms

AI Will Soon Make Social Media Much More Harmful to Liberal Democracy, and to Children.

The Economics of Mental Health

Importance of mental health for socio-economic outcomes.

Tobacco & Vaping

A Senate Commerce Committee document detailing legislative measures aimed at enhancing cybersecurity and protecting critical infrastructure, fostering resilience against cyber threats and safeguarding national security interests. 

Harvard - Dopamine, Smartphones & You: A battle for your time

An archived webpage providing information on a topic or event, preserving content for future reference and ensuring accessibility even after original links expire. 

Avoiding biases about today's youth

The Biased Tone of “Kids These Days”

The history of the notion of “spoiled kids” in each generation

Kids These Days: Why the youth of today seem lacking

A scientific article published in th Journal Science Advances, presenting research findings and contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the field of study.

TikTok’s Algorithm Keeps Pushing Suicide to Vulnerable Kids

An investigative Bloomberg feature examining the potential impact of TikTok on mental health, highlighting concerns and prompting discussions on digital well-being and online safety.

La Encuesta sobre uso de drogas en Enseñanzas Secundarias en España, ESTUDES

The official website of the Spanish National Drug Plan (PNSD) providing access to ESTUDES surveys, offering valuable data on substance use among young people and informing public health policies.

What can we do? Tips and digital guides for parents and educators

Introduction to Support for Parents & Educators

Empowering parents to navigate and manage internet addiction in children, fostering healthier digital lifestyles and family connections. 

Digital Guidelines: Promoting healthy technology use for children

Pointers for parents to keep in mind when establishing guidelines for children’s technology use, in a world where many children have a tablet or smartphone.

The Relevance of the Relationship Between Parents and Their Children

Predictors of excessive Internet use among adolescents in Spain

Creating Your Personalized Media Plan (AAP)

Guiding families with a comprehensive plan to regulate and optimize media consumption, fostering healthy habits and positive interactions within the home environment. 

Creating Your Personalized Media Plan (Healthy Children)

An online platform providing customizable tools for families to establish balanced media routines, promoting digital wellness and familial harmony. 

Control Your Tech Use

Steps you can take right now

Recommendations from Medical Professionals

Empowering families with a personalized digital plan to promote healthy technology use and strengthen family bonds in the digital age. 

The Case for Phone-Free Schools

The research is clear: Smartphones undermine attention, learning, relationships, and belonging.

Teen Fact-Checking Network

Virtual newsroom made up of middle and high schoolers using social media to debunk viral misinformation and share media literacy tips.

The Conversation

The prohibition of the use of mobile phones in educational centers: scientific arguments.

The article argues in favor of prohibiting the use of mobile phones in educational environments based on scientific evidence indicating their negative impact on students’ concentration, academic performance, and emotional well-being.

Digital orphans: Ten risks of growing up on the internet.

The article explores the risks associated with growing up in the digital environment, from exposure to violence to loss of privacy, highlighting the importance of addressing these challenges to protect the generation of “digital orphans.”

Most teenagers don't have rules for mobile phone use, and they need them.

The article highlights the lack of rules for mobile phone use among the majority of teenagers and argues that establishing clear guidelines is essential to promote healthy and balanced use of technology.

Distracted adults with mobile phones: their effect on child and youth behavior

The article examines the impact of adults’ distraction with mobile phones on the behavior of children and adolescents, highlighting how this behavior can negatively affect the quality of interaction and the emotional development of young people.

Reasons to Delay Mobile Phone Use: Loss of Attention

The article provides reasons to delay the onset of mobile phone use in children, focusing on how early use can contribute to the loss of attention and negatively affect their ability to concentrate on important tasks.

Reasons to Delay Mobile Phone Use: Disruption of the Socialization Process

The article argues that delaying mobile phone use in children helps prevent the disruption of the socialization process, as early access to mobile devices can limit opportunities for face-to-face interaction and the development of social skills.

Are all teenagers addicted to social media?

The article explores whether all teenagers are addicted to social media, arguing that while many may exhibit dependency behaviors, true addiction is characterized by a loss of control and significant negative consequences in daily life.

Teenage suicide: what to do after a first attempt

The article addresses what to do after a first suicide attempt in teenagers, highlighting the importance of early intervention, emotional support, and therapy to reduce the risk of subsequent attempts and promote emotional recovery.

Suicidal behavior in adolescents: What should we be attentive to?

The article analyzes the warning signs of suicidal behavior in adolescents, emphasizing the importance of paying attention to changes in behavior, expressions of hopelessness, and social isolation as risk signals, and advocates for early intervention and adequate support to prevent tragedies.

The Unreal Beauty of the Digital World (and Its Impact on Mental Health)

The article examines the impact of the perception of unreal beauty in the digital world on mental health, arguing that constant exposure to retouched images and unrealistic beauty standards can contribute to issues of self-esteem, anxiety, and eating disorders among young people.

The Role of Schools in Suicide Prevention

The article discusses the crucial role that schools play in preventing suicide among teenagers, highlighting the importance of early detection, creating a supportive environment, and promoting mental health to reduce risk and foster emotional well-being among students.

How to Address the Increase in Cases of Antisocial Behavior in Adolescents

The article explores strategies for addressing the increase in cases of antisocial behavior in adolescents, emphasizing the importance of early interventions, emotional support, strengthening social skills, and collaboration among parents, schools, and mental health professionals to effectively tackle this issue.

Teenage girls exhibit more symptoms of depression than boys.

The article examines the gender disparity in depression symptoms among teenagers, noting that girls exhibit a higher prevalence of these symptoms compared to boys, and highlights the importance of addressing the social and cultural factors that contribute to this difference to provide adequate support to both genders.