Recommendations for Parents and Caretakers

Technology offers remarkable opportunities for our youth, but navigating the digital world is a complex task that children cannot manage alone. Pediatricians and medical professionals recommend no screen time for children age 0-2. For children age 3-5, no more than an hour of daily «co-viewing» screen time is recommended, and less is better.
The following recommendations are for parents and caregivers, focused on guidance, communication, and supervision once children are of the appropriate age to independently consume digital media, emphasizing parents’ active engagement to ensure youth safety and well-being in the digital sphere. To contribute to this, explore the creation of a personalized family media plan for additional support.
  1. Set a screen time limit for your child Create norms around times where phones are not allowed (at the meal times, during movie night, after bedtime), and adhere to the WHO recommendations of less than 2 hours of sedentary recreational screen time for kids age 5-17. Keep in mind, less is better.
  2. Monitor Online Activity Be aware of how your child spends time online, which platforms they use and who they interact with both online and offline. Use available tools to monitor time spent online and ensure protection of your child’s personal data.
  3. Encourage Open Communication Establish a safe environment for you and your child to discuss their experiences—both positive and negative—on social media.
  4. Provide Proactive Support Be a supportive listener and a source of trust for your child as they navigate a wide array of online and offline experiences.
  5. Stay Informed Remain informed about the features and trends related to social and digital media that may impact your child’s social development.
  6. Encourage Offline Activities Set up structured time or a routine for social and physical activities with friends and family, like sports or arts. Experts recommend that kids and adolescents from age 5-17 are active at least 60 minutes per day.
  7. Role Model Healthy Behavior Demonstrate healthy and positive behavior in your own interactions and limit screen time yourself.
  8. Emphasize Digital Citizenship Teach your child about the potential dangers that exist online, and the importance of respectful and responsible use. Explain the impact of their digital footprint.

Create your own personalized family media plan
(Spanish Association of Pediatrics)